Bob Brown

Robert Brown is Professor of Architecture and Master of Architecture Program Leader at the University of Plymouth. His pedagogy and research is grounded in his professional and personal experience of operating as the other in the context of somewhere else, having worked on community development projects for over 30 years in Africa, India and the UK. This engagement is paralleled in his teaching, having taught and lectured at various institutions in the UK, America, Asia, Europe as well as the UK. He is founder and co-leader of the transdisciplinary Urban Dialogues group at the University of Plymouth. His research focuses on socio-cultural identity, urbanism and pedagogy, and is framed by a dialogical perspective, interrogating conditions of multiplicity and the possibility for working with difference. These inquiries embrace a cross-disciplinary perspective including architecture, cultural geography, and film (the latter including science fiction) to reveal new understanding and potentiality for change.


Dr David Sergeant


Lesley Hodgson